Specialist applications
Our specialist applications can be activated easily and appear integrated in the existing solution. You can choose between the standard solution or with your desired configurations. The implementation is done quickly and does not involve any ongoing costs for you. Please contact us for the optimal solution.Construction management

The eGeKo building administration is process-oriented and enables you to easily map your own processes using workflows, monitor deadlines and receive automatic reminders. It can be adapted to your needs and always shows you the current status. The building administration has a GWR interface as well as the integration of the cantonal platform (eBaugesucheZH, eBau AG, eBauTG and others). All necessary documents and information on the planning application or the building object can be created, saved or shared in the solution. eGeKo also enables the free integration of the external municipal engineer or the neighbouring municipality. Thanks to the eGeKo address management, all parties involved can be recorded and easily contacted by letter or e-mail. Access rights can be set globally or per planning application. Further advantages:
- The planning application can easily be placed on the agenda for the municipal council or building committee
- Simple creation of statistics per year
- Integration of GeVer, no interface costs or adaptations necessary
- Integration of the GWR

Contract management

eGeKo contract management gives you an overview of all your contracts. All relevant contract details can be seen at a glance in the contract mask. A major advantage is that automatic reminders are generated to review the contract so that you never miss a notice period. The reminders are role-based so that deputies or successors also have the same overview. The contract itself and all other files and e-mails can be created, stored or sent from the solution. Thanks to integrated address management, all contracting parties can be added and maintained. Further advantages:
- Practical search and filter options for contracts
- Simple agenda setting of contracts for meetings
- Contracts can be delivered to your long-term archive (LZA)

Cemetery management

eGeKo cemetery management enables efficient processing of all deaths and clear filing of all related information. The most important information about the death and the grave can all be seen at a glance. You also manage the next of kin directly in the same place. A major advantage is that various documents are automatically created and filled in thanks to eGeKo template management: Official death notices, grave care contracts, cremation orders, emails. Further advantages:
- Mapping of processing procedures thanks to workflows
- Practical search and filter options for deaths
- The management of basic documents such as regulations or evaluations is integrated

Personnel management

The eGeKo personnel administration system enables all personnel dossiers to be managed clearly. A personnel dossier contains all documents relating to the life cycle of a person's employment. All files that are to be kept for the long term should be stored there: CV, certificates, completed employment checklist, etc. The visibility settings can be limited to members of the HR department, management, finance and legal department. Thanks to the flexibility of eGeKo, salary negotiations, for example, can be stored with special access protection. The advantages include
- Keeping all personnel files
- Management of all personnel files
- Keeping a digital entry checklist
- Management of wage negotiations
- Simple creation of personnel sheets
List of authorities / list of committees

All authorities or committees of an organization can be managed in eGeKo. This provides an overview of all members, including duration and contact details. But what is a committee member anyway? A committee member is a person who belongs to a group of people with special tasks, obligations and rights. This grouping can be, for example, an authority, a board, a commission, a committee or a committee. Examples of bodies are The government council, the municipal council, the building commission or even a committee to decide on a new route planning. eGeKo allows you to
- create various committees and assign members to them
- Specify the start and end date of membership of the committee
- enter a person as a member of several committees at the same time or with a time delay
- Store contact information
- Create members from an external address management system (e.g. residents' registration office) via web interfaces
Risk management and ICS

eGeKo offers a range of functions for risk management in your organization. eGeKo supports you in this and allows you to classify risks and take countermeasures. Thanks to risk management, we can
- Know or recognize risks
- Evaluate and monitor risks
- Minimize risks by means of corrective measures
- be automatically reminded of review tasks
Project management

eGeKo is very well suited for project management. Various parties are usually involved in a project: Project manager from own organization incl. deputy, project team from own organization, project manager from other organization incl. deputy, overall project team, external consultant. eGeKo promotes cross-organizational collaboration. It is easy to create project teams that all have access to the project documents. The advantages of this are
- Everyone works on the same and current document
- There is no flood of emails and no different file versions
- Tasks can be assigned to each other with deadlines and automatic reminders
- Thanks to workflows, entire processes can be mapped and executed digitally
- The pending tasks of all project members are visible at all times, including status
- External parties do not pay any usage fees, do not have to install anything and do not have to purchase any licenses
- At the end of the project, evaluations can be created at the click of a mouse to show who has completed which tasks
Other specialist applications
We have implemented numerous other specialist applications. Please contact us if you are interested in other specialist applications. Together we can implement specific solutions such as dog management, regulations management, boat site management and more.